Eldorado - Repository of the TU Dortmund

Resources for and from Research, Teaching and Studying

This is the institutional repository of the TU Dortmund. Ressources for Research, Study and Teaching are archived and made publicly available.


Recent Submissions

Rationalizing the optimization of detergents for membrane protein purification
(2023-03-10) Urner, Leonhard H.; Junge, Florian; Fiorentino, Francesco; El-Baba, Tarick J.; Shutin, Denis; Nölte, Gideon; Haag, Rainer; Robinson, Carol V.
Membrane protein purification by means of detergents is key to isolating membrane-bound therapeutic targets. The role of the detergent structure in this process, however, is not well understood. Detergents are optimized empirically, leading to failed preparations, and thereby raising costs. Here we evaluate the utility of the hydrophilic-lipophilic balance (HLB) concept, which was introduced by Griffin in 1949, for guiding the optimization of the hydrophobic tail in first-generation, dendritic oligoglycerol detergents ([G1] OGDs). Our findings deliver qualitative HLB guidelines for rationalizing the optimization of detergents. Moreover, [G1] OGDs exhibit strongly delipidating properties, regardless of the structure of the hydrophobic tail, which delivers a methodological enabling step for investigating binding strengths of endogenous lipids and their role for membrane protein oligomerization. Our findings will facilitate the analysis of challenging drug targets in the future.
A Eurocode‐compliant design approach for cold‐formed steel sections
(2023-04-13) Ungermann, Dieter; Lemański, Tim; Brune, Bettina
A Eurocode-compliant design approach was developed for the design of thin-walled cold-formed steel sections which combines the AISI S100-16-Direct Strength Method (DSM) with the design provisions of EN 1993-1-3. The new design approach transfers the cross-sectional resistance determined acc. to DSM based on numerical elastic buckling analyses on the gross cross-section into the global member verification acc. to EN 1993-1-3. Additional factors were introduced to optimize the new approach, e.g., to account for the effects of the nonlinear stress distribution in cross-sections subject to local and/or distortional buckling. Within the framework of the German research project FOSTA P1328/IGF 19964, an extensive series of tests on differently shaped, perforated, and unperforated cold-formed sections in compression and bending were conducted which serve to analyze the buckling phenomena and the load-bearing capacity and to validate the new design approach. In addition, a numerical model was developed, calibrated to the tests, and used for further parametric analyses on the load-bearing capacity of cold-formed sections.
Spin-flip Raman scattering on electrons and holes in two-dimensional (PEA)2PbI4 perovskites
(2023-04-17) Harkort, Carolin; Kudlacik, Dennis; Kopteva, Natalia E.; Yakovlev, Dmitri R.; Karzel, Marek; Kirstein, Erik; Hordiichuk, Oleh; Kovalenko, Maksym V.; Bayer, Manfred
The class of Ruddlesden–Popper type (PEA)2PbI4 perovskites comprises 2D structures whose optical properties are determined by excitons with a large binding energy of about 260 meV. It complements the family of other 2D semiconductor materials by having the band structure typical for lead halide perovskites, that can be considered as inverted compared to conventional III–V and II–VI semiconductors. Accordingly, novel spin phenomena can be expected for them. Spin-flip Raman scattering is used here to measure the Zeeman splitting of electrons and holes in a magnetic field up to 10 T. From the recorded data, the electron and hole Landé factors (g-factors) are evaluated, their signs are determined, and their anisotropies are measured. The electron g-factor value changes from +2.11 out-of-plane to +2.50 in-plane, while the hole g-factor ranges between -0.13 and -0.51. The spin flips of the resident carriers are arranged via their interaction with photogenerated excitons. Also the double spin-flip process, where a resident electron and a resident hole interact with the same exciton, is observed showing a cumulative Raman shift. Dynamic nuclear spin polarization induced by spin-polarized holes is detected in corresponding changes of the hole Zeeman splitting. An Overhauser field of the polarized nuclei acting on the holes as large as 0.6 T can be achieved.
Room‐temperature‐stable diazoalkenes by diazo transfer from azides: pyridine‐derived diazoalkenes
(2023-03-03) Reitz, Justus; Antoni, Patrick W.; Holstein, Julian J.; Hansmann, Max M.
Recently, stable diazoalkenes have received significant attention as a new substance class in organic chemistry. While their previous synthetic access was exclusively limited to the activation of nitrous oxide, we here establish a much more general synthetic approach utilizing a Regitz-type diazo transfer with azides. Importantly, this approach is also applicable to weakly polarized olefins such as 2-pyridine olefins. The new pyridine diazoalkenes are not accessible by the activation of nitrous oxide, allowing for a considerable extension of the scope of this only recently accessed functional group. The new diazoalkene class has properties distinct from the previously reported classes, such as photochemically triggered loss of dinitrogen affording cumulenes and not C−H insertion products. Pyridine-derived diazoalkenes represent the so far least polarized stable diazoalkene class reported.
A survey on discrete Laplacians for general polygonal meshes
(2023-05-23) Bunge, Astrid; Botsch, Mario
The Laplace Beltrami operator is one of the essential tools in geometric processing. It allows us to solve numerous partial differential equations on discrete surface meshes, which is a fundamental building block in many computer graphics applications. Discrete Laplacians are typically limited to standard elements like triangles or quadrilaterals, which severely constrains the tessellation of the mesh. But in recent years, several approaches were able to generalize the Laplace Beltrami and its closely related gradient and divergence operators to more general meshes. This allows artists and engineers to work with a wider range of elements which are sometimes required and beneficial in their field. This paper discusses the different constructions of these three ubiquitous differential operators on arbitrary polygons and analyzes their individual advantages and properties in common computer graphics applications.